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Information about the semester ticket upgrade

Students at Georg August University in Göttingen receive an upgrade to their semester ticket and can use all the benefits of the Germany Ticket.

This is how it's done:
Please log in to our subscription online using your university student email address. There you order the upgrade for a semester ticket. Your student email address will be used to recognize that you are a student at the Georg-August University in Göttingen and your contract will be created with the reduced amount of €26.20.

Please note that the upgrade for the semester ticket can only be requested via the VSN. An application is always possible until the 25th of the month for the coming month. If you buy a Germany ticket in the FahrPlaner app, then you have to pay the full amount of the Germany ticket. The upgrade, which can be booked directly in the FahrPaner app, is only for students in the VBN area (Bremen-Lower Saxony Transport Association)

In the event of de-registration, the upgrade must be actively canceled at the subscription center. The subscription usually continues automatically and the upgrade price will continue to be charged monthly.

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